Colorado State University
Ethnic Studies Graduate Program
Learn how graduates from MSU Denver’s Department of Chicana/o Studies excel in their careers and graduate school.
Whether its to the workplace or to the classroom (again), our graduates are our success stories!
Graduates with Chicana/o Studies (CHS) majors and minors excel in the work place and participate as global citizens. Our graduates possess skills and competencies to enter into the workforce as competitive candidates in these types of fields:
Jessica Wade, Industry Navigator for Law & Public Service
MSU Denver is dedicated to developing future leaders in public service. MSU Denver serves as an anchor institution for public service, featuring a diverse student body who know the needs of their communities and are poised to address those needs in their careers. Jessica can help connect you to prospective employers in the Public Service industry that are aligned to your career goals and ambitions.
Our graduates have gone on to find success at Graduate degree programs around the country. These types of programs provide you with the opportunity to continue your interest in Ethnic Studies.
Ethnic Studies Graduate Program
Hispanic Cultural Studies Doctoral Program
César E. Chávez Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies Doctoral Program
Chicana and Chicana Studies Doctoral Program
Ethnic Studies Doctoral Program
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of Chicana/o Studies, our graduates are well prepared for post-baccalaureate graduate work in these related fields:
Campus Location
Rectory Building, 1156 9th Street, Denver, CO 80217
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday: By appointment and remote
Mailing Address
Department of Chicana/o Studies
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Campus Box 41
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO