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Academic Suspension standing is the third tier of MSU Denver’s Academic Standing Policy. This academic standing is applied after a student’s third-consecutive and most recent semester with an overall GPA below a 2.00 and who did not meet the minimum semester GPA requirement of a 2.20 during their most recent semester on Academic Recovery standing.
Students on Academic Suspension standing will not be eligible to registering for classes at MSU Denver for three-consecutive semesters from the date of suspension (end of term).
All students returning to MSU Denver after their three-consecutive semester suspension hiatus, they must reapply and will be re-admitted on Academic Recovery standing with the university. For these students, all Academic Recovery standing guidelines will apply.
For students that plan to attend for semesters during their suspension hiatus, they must go through the appeals process (see below).
Academic Suspension Appeal for Academic Standing Video Tutorial
Academic Suspension Appeal for Academic Standing
Students on Academic Suspension standing who intend to continue taking classes during the next semester must first submit an appeal of their academic standing by the prescribed semester due date.
Students who do not submit an appeal by the due date (see below) who have registered for the anticipated semester will be dropped from their courses.
NOTE: If you need assistance reviewing your appeal for grammar before submitting it, please use the MSU Denver Writing Center.
If your appeal is approved and you plan to register or make changes to your class schedule for the next semester attended, you will need to:
If your appeal is denied, you will take the three-semester hiatus away from MSU Denver to continue to stabilize your learning environment.
Once your have finished your suspension hiatus, you will need to reapply to MSU Denver and be readmitted under Academic Recovery standing.
Not a Financial Aid Appeal
Submit Academic Suspension Appeal for Academic StandingStudent Intervention Services (SIS) - Academic
Request an Advising Appointment with Kimberly Williams or other Advising ProfessionalEmail:
Main Phone:
Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
P.O. Box 173362
Box 71 – Academic Review Committee
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Associate Director for Advising Systems & Intervention Services
Kimberly Williams
Advising Systems Coordinator for Intervention Services
Patrick Wise